A Mystery that reveals itself, even through team building

The offices close for a day and they all go to a nice place for training and team building. Such days are usually unsuccessful, but Emilia tries to organize something new by addressing the themes of the “purpose” and “desire” at work.

I would like to recount an experience I have had with my colleagues at work, which in my opinion is a testimony of how the Mystery is communicated according to natural circumstances, which retain all their fragility and apparent futility. At the beginning of September, with the approval of the management of my company, I organised the annual "Fiera Day", where we close our offices and we all go to a beautiful place in the mountains for training and team building. Management is usually in charge of organising it, paying an external speaker. Since these days have not been very successful in recent years, I told my director that we did not need external speakers and their techniques, because we were already a good team. All we needed was a day together to ease accumulated stress and to return to look at our humanity, beyond the roles we have in the company. From my experience with young people, I had also added that team building was not particularly useful, it was enough just to organize some nice games.

Thus, this year, the director put me in charge of organizing the day, giving me carte blanche. I asked three colleagues to help me. The day was very beautiful, fun and organized with great care. But I wanted it to be more than fun, I wanted to better understand the meaning of our working together every day. So I watched some of Bernard Scholz's lectures on the theme of work to define the content for us to focus on and then I applied the Knights of the Grail method to the day. At the beginning, before starting the games, I posed two questions, two points of work to pay attention to during the activities and which we would then discuss in the afternoon. The first question was: "How important is teamwork to understand the goal, the objective to be achieved?" and the second question was: "What is this desire to win that the challenge of a game awakens within us?" We divided the group into four teams, each with its own name, color, captain, flag, and in a beautiful meadow we played eight games.

In the afternoon we had a moment to meet and discuss the two questions from the morning. I tried to accompany the discussion to deepen our experience, connect it to our working reality and finally grasp at the meaning of our working together.

Already at the first question, there was a revolution compared to what we always hear from all the external speakers. To get along well, it is not so much about the relationship that we need to focus on as it is about purpose. If we are to work together we have to understand what we are doing it for. If the purpose is not clear our diversity becomes a limit, if the purpose is clear our diversity becomes an asset. But if this is true then why do we not do it? Because as soon as we start working together we look at what we do and we lose sight of the purpose for which we do it.

The second question instead was deeper and more personal. The desire to win reflects our desire to make an impact on reality, to be able to improve the circumstances that we must face, for our own good and for the good of others. Work is an expression of this desire, of this need that we have within us. By working, we can express our desire to improve the world around us by putting our talents into play. True satisfaction in work comes from the fact that you understand that you are able, by putting yourself fully into play, by entering into reality and transforming it.

The human experiences himself, matures humanly and professionally, precisely by facing work problems. This is an act of awareness. That is, it does not depend on our role or whether our work is useful or not, it depends on the consciousness with which we live it.

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While we were discussing this, I was looking at my colleagues’ faces. Their faces were full of amazement, their eyes were full of that "radiance" that lights up when you come across something surprisingly true and corresponding.

They were all so happy that they continued writing “thank you” on our Whatsapp group for a whole day, sharing photos of the day. For a week, my colleague at the reception desk hugged and said thank you to me every time I walked past her. For me, this a testimony of how the Mystery is communicated according to natural circumstances that retain all their fragility and apparent futility, and how our method of verifying the presence of the Mystery in the experience is the way to conquer the heart.

Emilia, Bolzano, Italy